Pragmatic Evaluation of an Improvement Programme for People Living with Modifiable High-risk COPD.
PREVAIL, will be the first efficacy trial to assess clinical outcomes of the CONQUEST quality improvement and clinical decision support package versus standard care for patients with modifiable high-risk chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with or without a current diagnosis.
The study will assess a programme called CONQUEST. This is a new way to find, diagnose and improve treatment for patients with a lung condition known as COPD or may be at risk of developing this condition.
PREVAIL will enrol 126 GP practices to take part. Half of practices will receive the CONQUEST programme and the other half will continue with their usual patient care.
Identifying high-risk patients with COPD, including those who are undiagnosed
Helping patients to receive a timely assessment of their COPD
Support implementation of the best available treatment in line with national and local guidance
Review of current management plans
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a condition that affects over 250 million people world-wide. Many people with COPD, including those that have not been diagnosed yet, experience breathing problems and other symptoms which sometimes get suddenly worse, known as an exacerbation or flare-up. Appropriate treatment can help improve the health of these patients and reduce the exacerbations they experience.
CONQUEST is a new quality improvement programme developed by doctors and health experts to help practices identify and manage modifiable high-risk COPD patients according to current guidelines (GOLD, NICE) to help reduce exacerbations and improve clinical outcomes in these patients.
PREVAIL is a study that will be assessing how effective the CONQUEST programme is at improving treatment and reducing exacerbations in diagnosed and undiagnosed patients with modifiable high-risk COPD.
Ongoing education, training, support, monitoring and improvement
Package embedded within practice processes and care pathways
Decrease in practice-patient contacts and improved patient experience
Facilitators will help practices with the implementation
Patients will receive assessments of individual risk and biological traits to drive optimal management and follow up And this will benefit your patients through:
Improving rates of smoking cessation, flu/pneumococcal vaccination and self-management.
Improving assessment and treatment, reducing steroid and antibiotics burden.
Optimising treatment that will lead to a reduction in exacerbations and rate of lung function decline, whilst improving COPD control and quality of life.
CONQUEST aims to close the gaps in current COPD care and what current guidelines recommend by driving EARLY identification of HIGH-RISK PATIENTS and targeted, risk-based treatment with the patient at the centre.
This quality improvement programme will help drive change in the management of patients at risk of COPD exacerbations by imbedding quality standards in routine primary care. The programme will be provided at no cost to participating practices by Optimum Patient Care Quality Improvement Service.
The PREVAIL study is led by Dr Katherine Hickman (Chief Investigator, GP partner in Bradford, Respiratory Lead for West Yorkshire and Harrogate, Primary Care Respiratory Society) and Professor David B. Price (Professor of Primary Care Respiratory Medicine - University of Aberdeen, European Respiratory Society). This research is run by the Observational and Pragmatic Research International Limited (OPRI). The research is funded by Optimum Patient Care Global Limited and Astrazeneca.
If you are a GP practice in England and you wish to take part in PREVAIL, please contact us: Tel: 01223 967855 Email: engage@optimumpatientcare.org We are currently receiving expressions of interest from practices. The study is planned to begin in the autumn of 2021 following NHS research ethics approval.
What is PREVAIL?Our practice is taking part in a research study called PREVAIL. The study will assess a quality improvement programme called CONQUEST. This is a new way to find and improve treatment for patients with a lung condition known as COPD or patients may be at risk of having this condition, and have flare-ups of their symptoms.
What information will be shared?As part of this research, de-identified information about our patients will be shared with the PREVAIL research team. This is data that does not have any information that would identify our patients. No personal details will be shared with the researcher team. The information will cover various topics (e.g. consultations, medications and hospital admissions) that will help the research team understand our patients’ lung health and the health care they receive. Data will not be shared or stored outside the United Kingdom.
How do I opt out?If you do not want your data to be shared for research purposes, you can withdraw from sharing your data at any time. This will not affect the care that you receive. If you have any questions about this study or how your de-identified information is used, or wish to withdraw from sharing your information for research purposes, please speak with a member of the practice team or visit https://digital.nhs.uk/services/national-data-opt-out.
Who is running the study?The study sponsor is the Observational and Pragmatic Research International (OPRI UK).The study is jointly funded by Optimum Patient Care Global and AstraZeneca.
Has the study been approved by the NHS?The PREVAIL study has been reviewed and granted a favourable opinion by the Health Research Authority and East Midlands – Derby Research Ethics Committee.